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5 Essentials for Your Pet at The Holiday's Season

5 Essentials for Your Pet at The Holiday's Season

The festive season is finally here and we are all looking forward to joyful and happy holidays. Christmas can be a stressful and even dangerous time for pets. Their routines are upset, the weather is becoming more and more cold, visitors abound,  and maybe a trip will come around!

This is  why Halaly has gathered for you, our dear pet-owner friend, some of the must have products in this season for your pet.


Familiar beds will help your pet stay warm, and assured whether it is at your home or on a trip. A blanket also is an ideal choice to make your pet warm and cozy.

Here is the perfect bed Halaly recommends for your pet for a warm christmas and a happy new year …

2. Grooming Supplies –

Getting your pet groomed before you travel is a good idea, but still pack their combs or brushes for touch ups especially during trips. 

Here is the perfect brush recommended by Halaly

This brush will help minimize loose hair and shedding, and will comfort your pet in unusual situations.

3. Traveling Carriers -

Traveling can be very stressful for pets specially for long distances, that’s why you need to keep it in a comfortable yet compatible with plans,  traveling carrier like this one

4. Toys –

During holidays toys will help keep your dog busy, stress free and out of trouble as well. Bring 2-3 different toys, including good quality chew toys to distract your dog from other temptations.

Here are some of the toys halaly recommends 

Bone toy for dog
Small soft frisbee

5. Treats -

Has your pet been good this year? Even if not, your pet deserves treats in this joyful and happy season right? Make sure you have enough treats for your pet and also for any visitors who brought their pets along as well.

These are the top 5 essentials your pet needs through the festive season. Halaly wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year for you, your loved ones, and your pets of course…

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